SEO Friendly Website Design
If you have a website with old code or wanted to modify it with new looks, then the established website and their owners need to worry about the SEO or Search engine ranking complications. For a website to be redesigned with the newly added features as moving pages and transition code, they require special attention while working with SEO and its ranking.
Create Unique and Compelling Titles
While designing the code ensures that each page has got different titles. Google Webmaster Tools will alert you if you have the same title on every page of the website. The titles are shown in the search engine result page, since the title is the little description of the page which encourages the user to click to the page.
Avoid Meta Refreshing
the term ‘Meta refreshing’ is a technique that forward user from an old page to a new page. This technique creates 302 redirects for a user and starts reading your site. A 302 redirect does not remove old pages rather it creates a redundancy in the search engine index. Though it is an invisible process to visitors, but such sites’ don’t become an optimal choice for the search engines.
Use a 301 Redirect from Old to New Pages
A 301 code informs the search engine spiders or web browser that the content from one URL has shifted to another URL without losing any SEO juices assigned to the original one. Thus, a 301 redirect is more SEO friendly website designing for moving website pages.
Page Load Speed
Page load speed has become an integral part of SEO ranking. While redesigning your website ensure that you optimize your page load not only for the benefit it provides to the site for becoming an ideal SEO friendly website design but also to the boost the ranking that it provides to the site over the major search engine result page.
Create Distinct Navigation Menus
Google sitelinks are created using an algorithm when the bot crawl and can distinguish navigation on your site. Though you cannot control sitelinks, but you still can use crawling for improving the chances the algorithm gives you by sitelinks. Sitelinks enhances the chances that user will appear on your site by appearing in the search engine result pages.
Check Links for 404 Errors
404 report errors that are generated if the uploaded site has broken links. Fix the issues or other related issues that effect on your search engine ranking due to certain pages. A 404 error does not cause penalty, but it affects on your traffic generated and eventually force the Goggle to drop the page from the index.
Once you are done with comprehensive transition, still the redesign must be evaluated by the search engine algorithm; meanwhile, you can expect the drop in your ranking. After the evaluation by the search engine algorithm is done, the site will return to their natural rank in the result page.
About E Web Solutions.Net
E Web Solution.Net came into existence in 2008, as a professional website designing company,Delhi. We provide services to all types of organizations to small, medium-sized, big corporate house and even individuals. Our varied SEO friendly website designing services ranges from domain name registration to carbon neutral web hosting solutions. For further information the various services offered at Digital Pacific, visit http://www.e-web-solutions.net or call +91-11-41588415.